Well I am officially a stay at home mom thanks to my loving husband. I’m so blessed and fortunate to be able to stay at home with my children and take care of the house. I’m so grateful and don’t take any of it for granted. I do miss making money but I had to get out of the mentality of basing my self worth on a job.
Aubrey just turned six in July and had a huge birthday party at the house which was a hit, and shortly after at the end of August she started first grade😭! It’s virtual so that’s been super interesting LOL. My daughter has a lot of energy and is all over the place but is super happy and that’s all that matters! Her being virtual is not difficult at all but it can be a little annoying at times but it could be much worse. She’s got two more days of virtual learning and then starting Monday she actually goes back to school for the start of their hybrid learning. It’s only half a day but I know she’ll be happy to be back in school physically and to see her friends. Plus she loves riding the school bus.
Man it’s been such a long time since I’ve written a blog so I’m sure everyone is wondering what I‘VE been up to and what turns my life has taken up to this point. I think I left off by saying that my husband and I were in the process of trying for another baby after our recent loss in March. Well let’s just say THAT MY HUSBAND IS VERY GOOD AT PRODUCING CHILDREN LOL. I am happy to announce that I am actually going on 11 weeks THIS SUNDAY ! Almost out of this dreaded 1st Trimester 😂 This pregnancy has been so different to say the least lol. Sometimes I’m sick all day and sometimes I wake up with bursts of this unbelievable energy. I can’t really eat much most days and I’m losing weight daily ( which is prob a good thing lol). While other days ( like today ) I can eat almost anything lol. I’ve already bought my little angel a onesie and some bibs and can’t wait to find out the gender so I can get to really shopping. My daughter, Aubrey can’t wait to be a big sister and hopes with all her little heart that it’s a girl 💕. My husband is really hoping for a boy so that way he’s not so outnumbered in this house lol. I would love a boy but wouldn’t mind another little princess 👑 IDK we shall see !
In the meantime my husband and I have been working on OUR BUSINESS, and I can’t wait to share with you guys what we have up our sleeve. Hoping that in the next couple of months I start releasing more content for you guys and hope to grow SheWrites and my brand a little more. Stay tuned for what’s ahead 😊✊🏾🥳