It all started on a Thursday night going into Friday, when I saw a little bit of spotting after I wiped in the restroom. I wasn’t too worried because it was literally like two dots but I figured it was enough to like just get it checked out. At the time I was working third shift and didn’t really want to go to the ER at work and have a $250 bill, so I just waited until the morning to see if I could make a same day appointment to be seen. To make a long story short I wasn’t due to see my new OB until the following week but I didn’t want to wait that long to be seen. So I called around to see who could see me that day and as my luck would have it no one could. SO YOU GUESSED IT I had to go back to Dr. Klaus ONCE AGAIN! I ended up going to Dr. Klaus that day reluctantly, and I wish I hadn’t. I didn’t know that, that appointment was going to turn out the way it did. I went in explained what was happening and explained that I spotted a little bit the night before, and told him that I was a little concerned that something was wrong, or that I might have a UTI or a bladder infection or something. I ended up doing a urine test as expected which was fine. But what made me upset was the fact that I heard him and the nurse talking behind the door about how I was basically faking everything and that there was nothing wrong with me. They were also talking about how all of my tests were negative and I was completely fine. Acting as if I literally just wanted to come up there for attention. Next thing I know they come in the room and tell me that there’s completely nothing wrong with me and that my urine test came back negative and I am completely fine. But I knew something was wrong because I had symptoms that would lead me to believe something was wrong. after that he goes on to do an ultrasound and to my surprise all I saw was a baby but no heart beating. He immediately seemed surprised and probably felt bad that he was being such an asshole especially after realizing that something was wrong. Before confirming that my baby was dead he says that he wanted to listen to the heartbeat and that he was going to go get a Doppler. He comes back with the Doppler and searches and searches and searches for heartbeat and couldn't find anything. He then starts to seem really remorseful for how he’s treated me over the last few appointments I’d had with him. He says "im sorry to say but from the ultrasound I just did on you, and after not finding a heartbeat it appears that your baby has passed away. It appears that from the ultrasound your baby did not make it pass approximately 11 weeks and about 3 days. You are almost 16 weeks and not measuring that far along. He goes on to say "how he's very sorry. He tells me that he will need to send me straight over to fairview hospital so that an actual ultrasound technician and doctor could confirm everything he was telling me In hopes that none of it was true and that it was all just a mistake. So not only did I have to hear it 1 time that my baby was dead but I had to go and hear it for a second time from someone else. At that moment I felt COMPLETELY BROKEN. So following that at this point he exits the room and I'm trying to get dressed and gather myself and my thoughts after what I had just found out. I’m literally shaking and crying and he has the nerve to knock on the door and ask “If I’m done yet because he needed to use the room for someone else. Like how inconsiderate and rude! Right After this he sends me over to Fairview Hospital so that an actual ultrasound technician can confirm what he was already suspecting.
My 3rd & Final Prenatal Visit !?
Updated: Jul 2, 2020